Speech - MEC Nomandla Bloem at Roodepan High School


17 FEBRUARY 2023


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Die Prinsipaal, Opvoeders en personeel

Lede van die Skoolbeheerliggaam

Gemeenskapleiers en die belangrikste – ons leerders

Ons is aan die begin van die 2023 akademiese jaar. Dit is vir my ‘n groot voorreg om hier met julle te wees. Ek hoop julle het ‘n lieflike Desember vakansie gehad. Weet net – ons is nou terug en moet gereed wees om hard te werk.

The strategic focus by the Department of Education is on Building the

Elements of, Capacity for and Momentum Towards a Modern, Growing

and Successful Education System in the Northern Cape, and it offers the

Province a unique set of strategic opportunities to redesign, re-align,

reposition and project the Department’s joint capabilities in new ways.

This strategic focus not only, simply seeks to ensure greater administrative

efficiency or bureaucratic streamlining, but further seeks to drive the

schooling, curriculum, knowledge and skills development imperative more

decisively, more effectively and with greater transformational impact in


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Hier in die Noord Kaap beskou ons al ons skole as sentrums van uitnemendheid. Ons moet hoë standaarde vir onsself stel, gedissiplineerd wees en respek hê vir mekaar. Ons ouers moet ook by die huis saamspan om te verseker dat ons met die regte gesindheid ons onderrig benader.

If children and youth are our future, then education is the key to unlock

that future. Without education, the future of any nation, community and

person is likely to be bleak and uncertain. Education is the bridge that

connects each person with their aspirations.

The ANC – LED Government has taken a decision to prioritize Education

and make it a societal issue. This decision must be understood clearly and

embraced by all of us.

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Dit beteken dat ons elke dag betyds by die skool moet wees en ons tuiswerk doelgerig en elke dag doen. Dit beteken ook dat ons almal die skool reëls moet gehoorsaam. Ons moet mekaar en die onderwysers respekteer.

Daar is soveel geweld daarbuite. Geweld, mekaar seermaak en baklei hoort glad nie in ‘n skool nie. Ons moet weet die oomblik wat ons hier instap, dat ons in ‘n area is waar ons geslyp word vir die toekoms. Dit beteken ons moet, in alles, die nodige respek betoon aan die plek waar ons aan ons toekoms werk.


Ons verwag van julle groter verantwoordbaarheid vir die kwaliteit van die werk wat julle lewer. Dit beteken ook dat julle betyds by die skool moet wees. Dit beteken, as opvoeders van ‘n gemeenskap, dat julle ook daarbuite julle so sal handhaaf dat die skool en gemeenskap trots op julle kan wees.


Ons verwag dat julle energie gaan insit om ‘n hegte span te bou en te verseker dat opvoeders hule beste lewer en dat hulle ook die nodige ondersteuning het. Hierdie span moet verseker dat die skool se resultate orreenstem met die prioriteite wat gestel is en ook monitor hoe die kurrikulum implementeer word.


Stabiliteit in ons skole is baie belangrik. Ons het mans en vrouens in ons SGBs nodig wat openlik en eerlik tot die voordeel van kinders in ons gemeenskap werk. Die SGB moet ook ‘n belangrike rol speel om te sorg dat ons skole veilig is.


Our schools continue to suffer at the hands of criminals. Incidents of

vandalism and theft are on an increase and this compromises the quality of

education. The current situation in our schools has reached unacceptable

levels and requires our collective responsibility to create a conducive

environment for quality public education.

It is the responsibility of the school Principal, School Management Team,

Educators, School Governing Body, Quality Learning and Teaching

Campaign (QLTC) Committees, Parents and Learners to cooperate and

work with us in this regard.

We should always be mindful of the fact that education is a constitutional

right for everyone and at no stage will we tolerate the victimization of one

learner by another.

Learners who are found in breach of the code of conduct will be subjected

to a disciplinary process and expelled, if necessary. Incidents relating to

violence have a negative impact on the quality of education and must be

avoided at all costs.

Maar in dieselfde asem moet ek ook aan opvoeders noem dat ons streng gaan wees met die wat die profesionaliteit van die beroep minag. Ons het geen geduld vir enige vorm van diskriminasie in ons skole nie, nie tussen leerders of van die kant van opvoeders nie. The Department of Education,

has taken a zero-tolerance stance on the matter. We commend all educators who continue to give their utmost best to bring out excellence in our learners, sometimes under difficult circumstances.

Teachers have the important role of shaping lives and nurturing the next

generation of productive members of our society; Teachers are in the

forefront of transforming lives and of building our nation. Teachers have

the difficult role of inspiring the young people and should always strive for

them to be a better person tomorrow.

We need to remember learners look up to Teachers as their role models,

and in some sense Teachers act as surrogate mothers and fathers in their

lives, so, Teachers we need to treat the learners as you would your own

children. We value and appreciate the role of Educators in the classroom.

Ten slotte wil ek net sê dat dit nie goed genoeg is om net te slaag nie. Jy moet goed slaag om sodoende jou kanse op verdere opleiding te verbeter. Ons moet ook besef dat ons, met vasbyt en doelgerigtheid, baie goed kan doen ten spyte van huislike omstandighede.

We wish all educators and learners well with the 2023 school academic as

we will raise the bar of Education in the Northern Cape.

Ek dank u

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