Launch of DTSL's Men's Forum

The recent spate of brutal attacks against women, children and other vulnerable groups, prompted the Provincial Government to a Call to Action Campaign to address violence and abuse. 

Responding to this call, MEC Gift van Staden and I, saw the need to establish and launch a structured Men’s Forum, which will mobilize support towards bringing about structural changes in the institutions of society, including in the socio-cultural, economic and political arenas.

In our society today we still see the reality of men’s power over women and children. Because of this, we need to work with men to change the condition of women’s lives and use the idea of ‘male responsibility’ to encourage more involvement in achieving change.

Social transformation can only successfully occur when we have an approach that focuses on the different spheres of our lives including your family, community, religious and work life. 

In our families, men have the responsibility to look after and take care of their loved ones, to provide a steady centre of support, love and positive morals. In our communities, our men must step up to keep us safe, to become involved in matters of positive leadership and the development of circumstances of development and direction. At church, our men must provide us with steady religious learning and a positive example that personifies both the strength and the love of God who watches over His flock.

At work, men and women are employed by virtue of their capacity to perform a specific function. Although we have measures of employment equity and a realization that we need to establish a workforce that is more representative of our society – much still needs to be done to change the perceptions we hold of each other. 

In this, for example, men hold assumptions about women in certain jobs and even vice versa. What this does is that it creates organisations that develop and grow in specific ways. In the Northern Cape Provincial Department of Transport, Safety & Liaison we have an organization with a disproportionately low number of women in managerial positions. 

For whatever reason this is, we need to attend to it. We need to find out why our organization has developed this way. If we find barriers and glass ceilings we need to actively remove them so that we advance an organization that not only embraces change, but purposefully promote an environment that empowers and propels women into their rightful places of authority. 

One of the key functions of the Men’s Forum in this organisation, is to find innovative approaches to critical elements for institutional change required to promote the interests of women. To reap the benefits of diversity, there is a need for gender balance in decision making, support for gender equity from top management levels and the training for key actors in all areas. 

I would like to ask our Senior Managers to actively take part and support the Men’s Forum. It is, again, only by example and setting standards of good practice that we can instill in our subordinates the values that we would like the organization to be known for. 

All male employees here have a role to play in creating a more equal society and workplace. Each one of you have within you the power to change perceptions and influence change within your space. Do not see this forum as a mere management ornament but view and work it as a real tool towards positive change.

I wish the Gender Focal Persons well in coordinating and guiding the whole process. Your job is invaluable, sometimes very misunderstood and not acknowledged. You play a central role in ensuring that we create an environment within which we develop spaces of positive change, influence and impact. I applaud your efforts and hope that you continue with your good work.

The DTSL Men’s Forum has my full blessing. May your activities be blessed and your results meaningful.

I thank you  

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