The National Employee Wellness Sports Recreation (NEWSRC) tournament is currently underway in Kimberley. The tournament is an annual event that aims to promote wellness and a healthy lifestyle amongst government officials across the country.
During his welcoming address HoD Rodney Pieterse said, "I am pleased to welcome you all in Kimberley. The importance of sport and recreation events must not be forgotten because it gives us an opportunity to reflect on our collective history which sometimes is a very painful history. Can we use Newsrc going forward as a platform to foster social coalition and improve on nation building as a country, and can that be seen in the participants that will come to the future events of Newsrc”. He concluded, “We are a rainbow nation, it is upon us to reflect the rainbow nation when we are at events like this.”
The Department of Transport, Safety and Liaison, Department of Roads and Public Works and National Department of Public Works are the co-host of this year’s tournament. They also form part of the team's to compete with other Provinces and National Departments, in the following sporting codes such as, Tennis, Soccer, Netball, Ladies soccer, Volleyball, and Golf.